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Gängige Markennamen


  • Program Tablets for Dogs
  • Program Injectable for Cats
  • Program Oral Suspension for Cats

Kombinierte Zutaten

  • Sentinel Flavor Tabs for Dogs (with Milbemycin Oxime)
  • Sentinel-Spektrum for Dogs (with Milbemycin Oxime + Praziquantel)

Generic products are available.

Uses of Lufenuron

Lufenuron is a larvicide used to control fleas in Hunde and cats. It has no effect against ticks, mites or lice.

It is often combined with Milbemycin Omxime and/or Praziquantel to control parasitic worms.

Art der Anwendung

Oral application supplied as tablets or suspension.

Subcutaneous application approved for use with cats only.

Dosierung und Verabreichung

Please note these directions apply to products that contain only Lufenuron. Dosage and administration for combined ingredient products will vary.

For the control of fleas, treatment with Lufenuron should begin one month before the start of flea season and continued throughout the entire flea season. Treatment can be continued year-round without interruption where fleas are prevalent at all times.

Lufenuron tablets or oral suspension should be administered monthly. Lufenuron injections are administration every 6 months.

Oral applications should be administered with food or directly after feeding.

Mögliche Nebenwirkungen

Side effects following oral application are rare but may include nervous signs, malaise, itching, vomiting or diarrhea.

Transient pain or a small lump at the injection site may affect cats treated with the injectable suspension.

Potential side effects will vary when used in combination with other active ingredients.


Injectable solutions are approved for feline use only, do not use on dogs.

Do not use on dogs or cats under 6 weeks of age.

Do not use on unweaned puppies or kittens.

Safe for use with pregnant and lactating animals.

Dogs and cats in the same household must be all be treated for fleas at the same time to avoid subsequent reinfestation.

Anzeichen von Toxizität

Lufenuron poisoning is rare, as it has low toxicity and is well tolerated in dogs and cats.

However, if you suspect your dog or cat has had an overdose, contact your veterinarian immediately.


Tablets: Store in a dry place, protected from light.

Oral suspension: Store below 77°F/25°C.

Injectable: Protect from freezing.


Diese Informationen dienen nur als allgemeine Referenz und ersetzen nicht das Verpackungsetikett oder den tierärztlichen Rat. Diese Seite enthält möglicherweise nicht alle Nebenwirkungen, Verwendungen, Markennamen oder Anwendungen.


Lufenuron drug information sheet
Lufenuron Information Sheet

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