Gängige Markennamen
Not available as a single ingredient product for household pets.
Kombinierte Zutaten
- Vectra Spot-On for Dogs and Cats (with Pyriproxyfen)
- Vectra 3D Spot-On for Dogs (with Permethrin and Pyriproxyfen)
Uses of Dinotefuran
Dinotefuran is an ectoparasiticide used to control fleas in HundeundKatzen.
It is highly effective against fleas but has no effect on other ticks, mites or internal parasites. It is usually combined with other parasiticides such as Permethrin or larvicides such as Pyriproxyfen.
Art der Anwendung
External application. Combined ingredient products are supplied as topical/spot-on solutions.
Dosierung und Verabreichung
Dinotefuran is not available as a single ingredient product.
For dosage and administration of combined ingredient products, refer to information on the specific product and use only as directed.
Mögliche Nebenwirkungen
Dinotefuran is generally well tolerated by dogs and cats, but individual skin sensitivity may occur at the site of application.
As Dinotefuran is used in combined ingredient products, side effects experienced may be due to other active ingredients.
Anzeichen von Toxizität
Overdose is unlikely when applied topically as directed, but animals may experience poisoning due to accidental ingestion when licking the area of treatment.
Signs of toxicity include anxiety, behavioral disorders, hyperactivity, vocalization, lethargy, and loss of appetite.
If you suspect your dog or cat has had an overdose, please contact your veterinarian immediately.
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