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Gefiltert nach Tag ('Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden')

Katzen und Harnwege-Infektionen

 Von jaime am 14 Jul 2014 |
Just like people, cats can suffer from uncomfortable urinary tract infections. It's very important to be aware of the causes and symptoms of these infections so that you can report them to your vet and seek assistance as soon as possible. Causes of ...

Fast Fakten über Pet Wurf Größen

 Von jaime am 13 Jul 2014 |
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According to the ASPCA, there are more than 72 million dogs in American homes. When cats are added into the equation, th...

Diarrhöe und Ihr Hund: Was es bedeutet und wie es zu behandeln

 Von jaime am 11 Jul 2014 |
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It's not always easy, being in charge of raising a dog. You are responsible for the well-being of another life form, but...

Wie Sie Ihre Katze Zähne richtig Bürste

 Von jaime am 11 Jul 2014 |
Es gibt viele Details über die Gesundheit Ihrer Katze, die Sie wahrscheinlich auf einer täglichen Basis bemerken. Wenn Ihre Kitty plötzlich Probleme mit der Katze hat, zum Beispiel, oder beginnt, eine offensichtliche Augeninfektion zu entwickeln, sind Sie wahrscheinlich, zum Tierarzt pret ...

Was sollten Sie Ihren Hund Fütterung

 Von jaime am 11 Jul 2014 |
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As dog owners, we always want what's best for our loving pooches and their diet is no exception. Like humans, a healthy ...


 Von danielle am 10 Jul 2014 |
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When out walking your dog on a sunny day the inevitable is bound to happen – poop clean up duty. It is not something any...

Ist es okay, Ihre Katze eine vegetarische Diät Feed?

 Von danielle am 10 Jul 2014 |
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Vegetarians can sometimes be unhappy about feeding their cats meat due to their own dietary choices. Ethical concerns about the slaughter of animals for consumption may prompt them to ask: can my cat go meat free too?   The question is not a simple o...

Zu wissen, wann Sie Ihr Haustier zu töten

 Von jaime am 09 Jul 2014 |
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It's an unfortunate part of owning a pet: knowing when it's time to say goodbye. Pets sadly do not live as long as us so...

Wie Essen Gras Hilfe Ihr Hund?

 Von danielle am 08 Jul 2014 |
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If your dog is eating grass don’t immediately assume they are feeling unwell. Many owners have watched their dog graze l...

Pet Augenreizungen: Die Symptome und was sie bedeuten

 Von danielle am 08 Jul 2014 |
Eye irritations can be a symptom of a number of serious conditions that require quick medical treatment for the sake of your pet’s continued health. Some signs of irritation are noticeable though others are less so, read on to discover the signs of e...
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