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Was tun, wenn Ihr Hund gestochen wird ...

 Von jaime am 16 Jul 2014 |
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It's impossible to keep an eye on your dog all the time, so there may be instances in your pooch's life where they come into contact with some nasty critters. Different climates, locations and seasons will impact what possible creatures your dog may ...

Was ist Taurin und warum es wichtig für Ihre Katze ist

 Von jaime am 14 Jul 2014 |
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What is Taurine? Taurine is an amino acid that is essential for many cellular functions around the body. It is produced ...

Was zu tun ist: Wenn Ihre Katze schwanger wird

 Von simone am 15 Jul 2014 |
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If you haven’t had your female cat spayed or desexed and you find her acting a little strange, she may very well be preg...

Haustiere als Therapie

 Von simone am 15 Jul 2014 |
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If you have a pet then you will know how much fun, love, affection and joy they bring, and it is likely that you are healthier and happier than those without pets in their lives. In other words, pets can be therapeutic. Animals are becoming increasi...

4 Clever Möglichkeiten, um Ihre Katze Sänfte zu verkleiden

 Von danielle am 15 Jul 2014 |
Litter trays are often an unfortunate necessity of modern cat ownership, with many cats now living their entire lives in...

4 Gründe, warum Ihr Hund ist Reiben sein Gesicht auf dem Teppich

 Von jaime am 14 Jul 2014 |
Many dog owners have dealt with the confusion (and frustration) of seeing the family dog walk into the living room and r...

Katzen und Harnwege-Infektionen

 Von jaime am 14 Jul 2014 |
Just like people, cats can suffer from uncomfortable urinary tract infections. It's very important to be aware of the causes and symptoms of these infections so that you can report them to your vet and seek assistance as soon as possible. Causes of ...

Fast Fakten über Pet Wurf Größen

 Von jaime am 13 Jul 2014 |
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According to the ASPCA, there are more than 72 million dogs in American homes. When cats are added into the equation, th...

Decoding der Schwanz Wag: Was ist Ihr Hund sagen?

 Von jaime am 13 Jul 2014 |
People often bemoan the complicated language barrier that exists between men and women. In this case, at least men and w...

Ist eine Katze Mantel beeinflussen seine Persönlichkeit?

 Von jaime am 13 Jul 2014 |
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We all like to think that our cat's are true individuals, with a personality all of their own. While this is mostly true, could it be possible that your cat's personality is affected by the colour of their coat? From one point of view it is quite log...
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