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Katzen und Herzkrankheiten

 Von jaime am 21 Jul 2014 |
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Cardiomyopathy is the most common type of heart disease that appears in cats, but it can develop in a range of different forms and the causes, treatments and prognosis can be quite diverse. Here's what you need to know about heart disease in cats. T...

Wie wählt man das richtige Kätzchen

 Von michelle am 20 Jul 2014 |
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When you decide to adopt a kitten, there’s several things you should consider besides which one is the cutest. That ador...

Skelettartige Deformitäten bei Katzen

 Von danielle am 19 Jul 2014 |
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A number of skeletal deformities can affect the health of cats. Whilst not common ailments, deformities either genetical...

Wie Sie Ihrer Katze helfen, mit der Hitze zu bewältigen

 Von jaime am 18 Jul 2014 |
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As we approach the middle of summer and the temperatures really begin to soar, spare a thought for your feline friend who may be suffering the effects of the heat much worse than you are… Cats sweat through their paws so it can be difficult to detec...

Colitis und IBD bei Katzen

 Von jaime am 18 Jul 2014 |
When it comes to the human body, many people are in tune with the messages their bodies are sending them. Issues with co...

Können Hunde uns wirklich verstehen?

 Von danielle am 19 Jul 2014 |
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It seems uncanny the amount dogs seem to understand when we chat to them around the house. The words ‘walkies,’ ‘treat’ ...

Wie Sie Ihrem Hund helfen, ihre Angst vor Treppen zu überwinden

 Von danielle am 18 Jul 2014 |
Wie einige Leser wissen, sind bestimmte Hunde von oben und unten Treppen versteinert. Für uns kann es scheinen albern - seine nur Treppe! Aber es ist wichtig, in der vordersten Reihe Ihres Verstandes zu halten, dass Ihr Hund nicht 'vortäuscht', um Angst zu haben oder ...

Was tun, wenn Ihre Katze hat ein Saugen Problem

 Von danielle am 19 Jul 2014 |
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Some cats, when cuddled up on their owner’s lap, have a habit of taking a hold of part of their clothes in their mouth a...

Hunde und Toad Pocessings: Schilder, um heraus zu schauen

 Von danielle am 20 Jul 2014 |
Toads are a common and for the most part harmless feature of backyards around the world – however a certain number of sp...

Was tun, wenn Sie eine Klett-Katze haben

 Von jaime am 17 Jul 2014 |
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Does your cat do any of the following? Following you everywhere you go (yes, even to the bathroom). Sulking, meowing or slinking away while you are getting ready to leave the house. Crying or meowing when you have left the house or even when you...
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