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Kann essende Schnecken meine Katze verletzen?

 Von danielle am 15 Aug 2014 |
Pets often enjoy ‘supplementing’ their diet with things they find in the backyard. Cats have been known to taste-test slugs, with their owners asking afterwards if they need be worried if their feline’s unusual predilection for the slimy creatures pr...

Warum ist meine Katze kahl?

 Von danielle am 16 Aug 2014 |
Cats, like middle-aged men, can suffer from baldness. Thankfully, the condition is normally treatable depending on the s...

Hunde und Ekzeme

 Von danielle am 16 Aug 2014 |
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Eczema is a symptom rather than a disease itself. It is a general term applied to the inflammation of the epidermis, or ...

Sollte Ihr Hund in Ihrem Bett schlafen?

 Von jaime am 14 Aug 2014 |
There is much opposition surrounding whether or not your dog should sleep in your bed. Some experts believe not only is it wholly unhealthy for your pooch to sleep with you, but it sends the wrong behavioural messages to them as well. Others, scoff a...

Hilfe Eine Katze Verwenden Sie Eine Katze Klappe Zum ersten Mal

 Von jaime am 13 Aug 2014 |
Introducing your cat or kitten to a cat flap can be a very perplexing experience for them, and for you. But it doesn't ...

Wie eine Katze helfen, ihre Vernebler

 Von jaime am 13 Aug 2014 |
Asthma is not an ailment limited to humans - even your cat cat suffer from this chronic condition. If your cat is asthma...

7 Gründe, warum Katzen in ihren Nahrungsmittel- oder Wasserschüsseln graben

 Von jaime am 12 Aug 2014 |
Cat owners will attest that their felines have some pretty fascinating habits and behaviours, with some that are easily explained while others, just aren't. One such curious behaviour you may have noticed is your cat digging in their food or water bo...

Re-WC Training Ihr Hund

 Von jaime am 13 Aug 2014 |
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You may think that once your puppy is toilet trained, for the rest of their life you'll never have to contend with accid...

Hyperaktive Hunde gegen Hochenergiehunde

 Von jaime am 12 Aug 2014 |
Just like humans, some dogs are more energetic than others. Perhaps your own dog is one of these pooches with seemingly ...

Spiele und Spielzeit Ideen für Ihren Welpen

 Von simone am 11 Aug 2014 |
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Welpen sind niedlich, flauschig, schlaff und so viel Spaß! Niemand braucht irgendwelche Überzeugung, mit einem Welpen zu spielen, aber es gibt Spiele, die Ihrem jungen Hund helfen, sich zu einem gut erzogenen und aktiven reifen Hund zu entwickeln. Bedeutung des Spiels Spielen ist wichtig für Sie ...
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