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Was ist die sicherste Art, mit meinem Hund zu reisen?

 von bora am 18 Okt 2019 |
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Ein Haustierelternteil zu sein bedeutet nicht, dass Sie Fido auf Reisen zurücklassen müssen. Mit diesen Tipps können Sie Ihren Hund bei Ihrem nächsten Abenteuer mitnehmen.

Viele Hundeltern nehmen ihren Hundebegleiter überall hin mit, was lange Autofahrten bedeuten kann. Egal, ob es eine Woche am Strand oder ein Ausflug in den Park ist, die Sicherheit Ihres Haustieres ist ein Hauptanliegen. Hier einige Tipps zum Schutz von Fido im Auto:

Avoid unsafe seats: When riding with your four-legged friend, it is crucial to know which seats are unsafe for pets. Avoid the front passenger’s seat, which can cause injuries in the case of airbag deployment during a crash. Riding with small dogs in your lap is also a no-go, as this can lead to distracted driving and block your view of the road.

Consider crating: One safe option for traveling with Fido is carrying him in a crate. Place the crate the floor of the back seat or in an open storage or trunk area, but do not leave it on the back seat, which can be unstable. Crates can be strapped down to improve stability while you’re on the road.
Invest in a dog seat belt: Seat belts for pets are another option when traveling with your dog. These are essentially full-body harnesses with a loop that connects to your car’s seatbelts, helping restrain your dog in case of an accident. Not all dog seat belts are created equal, however, so be sure to look for a model with a thick, padded strap that can distribute force across your pet’s chest and back, minimizing the impact on his neck and preventing him from flying forward in case of a crash. Tethers should be short and secured to your dog’s back, rather than his neck, and allow him to sit comfortably during the ride. These work well for larger dogs, while dog car seats, which are essentially secured beds, can serve a similar purpose for small to mid-sized pets.

Pack properly: When taking longer trips with your dog, be prepared. Pack plenty of water for the journey and enough of Fido’s regular food for the entire trip. Help your companion feel comfortable by packing a few of his favorite toys, too. Take frequent bathroom breaks and, if your pet is prone to motion sickness, consider investing in a crate, which can help ease travel sickness.

Einen Hund zu haben bedeutet nicht, dass Sie aufhören müssen, Ausflüge zu unternehmen. Im Gegenteil, mit der richtigen Vorbereitung kann Ihr Hund an vielen Ihrer Roadtrips teilnehmen, um die Bindung, die Sie teilen, zu verbessern und seine Lebensqualität zu verbessern.


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