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Haustier-Eimer Blog

Wie Sie den Juckreiz loswerden, wenn Ihre Katze Hautallergien hat

 von lucy am 06. Dez. 2017 |
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Cats are allergic to many of the same things as people, but unlike us, our feline friends usually display symptoms on their skin. From excessive itching, biting or licking to hair loss, skin lesions, scabs and infected wounds, your cat can display a host of unpleasant allergy symptoms. Fortunately, with your vet’s help, you can treat your cat’s dermatitis.
Just like us, cats can suffer from environmental, flea and food allergies, and these allergies cause them to itch. Unfortunately, by the time your feline shows symptoms from his allergy, he has been suffering for some time. One of the first lines of defense against itchy skin is corticosteroids. These anti-inflammatory medicines are prescribed by a vet and can provide your pet with relief from his allergy symptoms until you can get to the root of the problem. However, owners should be wary of the side effects that long-term or excessive steroid use can cause, including problems with your cat’s liver and endocrine system.
Because flea saliva can cause allergic reactions, one of the first actions you should take treat your cat’s dermatitis is to treat him for fleas. Even indoor cats should be treated for fleas for several months to rule these parasites as the source of Kitty’s problems. Likewise, you can try switching your pet’s diet to test for a food allergy that may be the source of his allergies. If your cat’s allergies persist, talk to your vet about visiting a veterinary dermatologist, who can test for allergies with an intradermal, or “pin prick,” skin test and blood work. It will help to provide any information on when and how your cat’s itching began, and how well any treatments worked and for how long. Your veterinarian may have insight about dietary changes or other changes, such as unscented cat litter and household cleaning products, that could help your pet.
Hautkrankheiten bleiben bei Katzen eher ein Rätsel als bei ihren Hunden, hauptsächlich aufgrund der Tatsache, dass viele der Hautprobleme, die Katzen haben, einander nachahmen. Dies macht die Diagnose von Hauterkrankungen zu einem Problem. Katzen können auf verschiedene Allergene reagieren, was die Diagnose erschwert. Viele Tiere bevorzugen es, allein zu baden und zu jucken, was es für die Besitzer schwierig macht, normale Pflege von übermäßigem Juckreiz zu unterscheiden.
Denken Sie daran, geben Sie Ihrer Katze niemals ein Antihistaminikum oder andere Medikamente ohne vorher Ihren Tierarzt zu konsultieren.


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