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Was Sie über Fütterung Ihre Katze Fisch wissen müssen

 Von danielle am 02 Sep 2014 |
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According to stereotypes, cats can live happily on a diet of milk and fish. But like dairy products, feeding fish everyday is in reality a very poor idea.
Many cats love the taste of fish and fortunately fish products can be a healthy addition to your cat’s dinner bowl. Yet it is important to keep the idea of ‘balance’ in the forefront of your mind when visiting the seafood market in order to spoil your kitty.
Fish is an excellent source of protein and omega 3. This is particularly the case with fish oil. Fish oil can assist with improving everything from eyesight to arthritis and thus owners should lean towards oily fish like salmon, mackerel and tuna when making their selection.
Despite the benefits, fish should always be a ‘sometimes’ food as overconsumption of fish can far outweigh the positives and lead to serious health problems. Vitamin E, which is essential in breaking down unsaturated fats in a cat’s diet, can be inhibited by a fish-heavy diet. Illnesses such as yellow fat disease or steatis are likely to result. It is commonplace for commercial brands to artificially add vitamin E to their seafood-based recipes to help compensate for this occurrence. Vitamin B can also be compromised by a fish-heavy diet. Certain species such as herring and carp contain thiaminase that actively destroys thiamine (vitamin B1).
When feeding fish it is also recommended it be cooked prior to being served to your cat. Raw fish is often high in bacteria and other contaminants that are neutralised through the cooking process.
Also note seafood is one of the leading causes of feline allergies and certain cats can develop an adverse reaction to eating fish. If you suspect this to be the case, consult your veterinarian and cease serving fish products immediately. 



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