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10 Great Christmas Gift Ideas for Your Dog

 by amanda on 14 Dec 2012 |
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If you're stumped for ideas of what to get your best friend for Christmas, we've got 10 gift ideas you might enjoy!
10. Home Made Peanut Butter Dog Treats - A home made meal definitely warms the heart, but nothing tingles those canine taste buds like home made peanut butter dog treats. Plus, they are a healthy way to include your pet when you're making treats for the rest of the family.
9. Repurposed Dog Toys and Beds - There reason your holiday gifts cannot be both amazing and practical, which means you are green lighted to get your puppy some repurposed dog toys, or maybe some new bedding to keep them warm during the cold winter nights.
8. Doggy Car Seatbelt - Dies ist ein großes Geschenk für den Hund zu bekommen , die so oft im Auto zu fahren lebt , wie sie nur kann. Ein Doggy Sicherheitsgurt stellt sicher, dass sie sicher in wie alle anderen, die bedeutet, dass sie weniger gefährdet sind, einen Unfall durch Ablenkung ihrer Fahrer und weniger gefährdet, wenn ein Unfall passiert aus irgendeinem anderen Grund bedeutet.
7. Doggy Day Spa Trip - Not all dogs will enjoy this gift, but for the pampered pooch who loves to be babied, groomed and fawned over for a day, will love a trip to a doggy day spa.
6. Recycled Tire ToysKong is the most popular brand around here, though you might know other fantastic dog toy makers who create the funnest toys out of recycled tire rubber. Even if you haven't ever heard of them before, recycled tire toys are fantastic for dogs with a need to chew (and chew and chew..), which makes them a great gift to let your pup unwrap to keep them busy while you make the evening dinner.
5. A New Harness - Little or big, a harness is the gift to get for any dog who is still using a simple collar for walks. Harnesses are way more comfortable than collars, and they offer the leash-holder a much greater amount of control over the outcome of each daily walk.
Curled Up Dachsun in his New Bed
4. A New Home - There is no gift better than love, and this holiday season, one of the most effective ways to bring more love into your life, is with a new puppy. And what better Christmas present is there for a new little pup, than a home with Sie?
3. Größere Kennel - Wenn Ihr Welpe fast seinen Zwinger entwachsen ist, oder ihre Zwinger ist schlecht in der letzten Woche über , könnten Sie tun etwas Einkaufen für eine neue Kiste oder Zwinger betrachten , die Ihre Welpen passt Bedürfnisse und Komplimente Ihre Hausstil .
2. Selbst gemachte Kibble - Wenn Sie noch nicht unsere hausgemachten Erdnussbutter Kroketten Rezept ausgecheckt, wäre jetzt ein guter Zeitpunkt, dies zu tun. Vor allem, weil Essen macht immer einen fantastischen Snack für alle Hunde-Begleiter. 
1. Doggy Snow Shoes - If winter's where you are, are cold and snowy, then you pup will love you for getting them a pair of comfy snow shoes. They are designed to keep their feet protected from the harsher elements of winter, and many of them come in optional colors, for those dogs who like to accessorize. 
Nothing says Christmas Cheer like a Pest-Free Home for the Holidays             
Advocate Parasite Treatment for Dogs
Nothing says Pest-Free like Befürworten for Dogs.

Feature Image via epiphanyglass.com


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