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Wie zu: Hilfe einer betonten und über-pflegen Katze

 Von jaime am 26 Jun 2014 |
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Many cats appear to be pretty cool customers, but that doesn't mean they are exempt from stress and anxiety. If stress becomes a major player in your cats' life, behaviour problems, particularly over-grooming, can become a real issue. What is it? Ov...

Was ist die richtige Menge der Übung für Ihr Haustier?

 Von simone am 25 Jun 2014 |
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Exercise is as good for our pets as it is for us - and for the very same reasons. Daily exercise will help maintain a he...

Darm Würmer in Hunden: Anerkennung der Anzeichen und Symptome

 Von jaime am 25 Jun 2014 |
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Intestinal worm infestations are among the most common health problems in dogs, and one that every dog owner needs to be...

Hunde und Schokolade: Wie viel ist zu viel?

 Von danielle am 24 Jun 2014 |
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Whilst we humans love chocolate as a snack, we know it is a bad idea to feed it to dogs. Of course, often dogs are convinced they would quite enjoy ‘sharing’ with us and there have been tales of dogs breaking into a box of chocolates and polishing th...

5 Schilder, zum im Hund Ihres Hundes aufzupassen

 Von jaime am 24 Jun 2014 |
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Numerous conversations can make the average individual uncomfortable. When it comes to matters of health, many people sh...

Haushaltsgegenstände, die schädlich für Katzen sind

 Von jaime am 23 Jun 2014 |
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Cats have a reputation for being very low-maintenance pets-and in some ways, that reputation is well deserved. Still, ju...

Raw Feeding: Die guten, die schlechten, und die hässlichen

 Von jaime am 23 Jun 2014 |
Dog owners in the 21st century have become very passionate about the food they feed their dog. For decades now dogs have been subjected to dry foods found on the shelves of grocery, convenience, and pet stores across the country. As the human diet ha...

Wie Sie Ihre Haustiere Floh-frei den ganzen Sommer halten

 Von jaime am 23 Jun 2014 |
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The hot days of summer mean fun in the sun, but parasites like fleas can ruin the party. Romping with your dog and letti...

Was bedeutet es, wenn Ihr Welpe Kratzer, aber sie haben keine Flöhe

 Von jaime am 22 Jun 2014 |
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Getting a new puppy is an exciting time in the life of any household. Welcoming a new four-legged friend to the family i...

Umgang mit Angst bei Katzen

 Von jaime am 22 Jun 2014 |
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Viele Leute denken, dass alle Katzen sicher und selbstbewusst sind, aber erfahrene Katzenbesitzer wissen es besser. Katzen können unter Angst, Depressionen und anderen psychischen Problemen leiden wie Hunde, und es ist bis zu ihren Besitzern, um ihnen die Hilfe, die sie nee ...
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