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Deinem Hund Tischmanieren beibringen

 von Yunus am 02. November 2016 |
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No one wants a dog that jumps on guests or begs during a dinner party, or that growls at other pets during his own meals. Teaching our canine companions mealtime manners is important, then, both during our meals and their own.   Dogs are scavengers b...

So helfen Sie Ihrem Hund bei der Trennungsangst

 von lucy am 19. Oktober 2016 |
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If you’ve ever come home to find furniture overturned, blankets chewed and claw marks on the door, chances are you’re de...

Warum Katzen gerne „Geschenke“ nach Hause bringen

 von lucy am 12. Oktober 2016 |
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Every cat owner has come home to find a dead mouse, bird or other hunting prize strewn across the stoop, often with Kitt...

Darf mein Hund Dinge fressen, die er beim Spaziergang findet?

 von lucy am 06. Oktober 2016 |
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Given half a chance, dogs will devour rancid sandwich meat, discarded chicken bones, hamburger wrappers, Popsicle sticks and most anything else they can get their paws on. While his palate seems peculiar to us, Fido’s odd eating habits evolved with h...

Was bedeutet eigentlich Schwanzwedeln?

 Von yunus am 29 Sep 2016 |
It’s common knowledge that a wagging tail is a sign of a happy, friendly dog, but many pet owners don’t know that this e...

Warum unterstützt meine Katze es ... direkt in mein Gesicht?

 von lucy am 10.09.2018 |
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Nichts sagt "Hallo!" wie jemandem mit dem Hintern voran ins Gesicht zu laufen – zumindest wenn man eine Katze ist. Auch wenn diese Geste s...

Warum dreht sich mein Hund im Kreis, bevor er sich hinlegt?

 Von yunus am 14 Sep 2016 |
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Whether it’s on the couch or in their own beds, dogs often turn a dizzying array of circles before finally settling down to sleep. While this seems an unnecessary ritual to their human counterparts, our canine companions are simply following a set of...

Warum manche Katzen verrückt nach Katzenminze sind

 Von yunus am 07 Sep 2016 |
When it comes to catnip, there are two schools of cats: Those that hyperactively roll in it, lick it, and go “crazy,” an...

Was tun bei Magenverstimmung

 Von yunus am 31 Aug 2016 |
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Hunde können aus vielen Gründen eine Magenverstimmung entwickeln, aber die bei weitem häufigste Ursache ist, dass Fido etwas gefressen hat, was er sollte ...

Warum leckt mich meine Katze?

 Von yunus am 24 Aug 2016 |
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Dogs lavish us with kisses, but cats are often more subtle in their displays of affection. While a sandpapery tongue isn’t always the sign of love we’d imagined, grooming us is our cat’s way of showing a strong trust and bond.   Cats spend a great de...
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