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10 Gründe, warum Agility-Training so vorteilhaft für Ihren Hund ist

 Von jaime am 11 Sep 2014 |
Die große Sache über Agility-Training ist, dass es so viele Vorteile für Besitzer und Hund und am besten von allen, kann jeder Hund es lernen und zu übertreffen!

Agility training is a form of canine sport where the handler uses only hand and voice signals to direct their dog through obstacles. A quick pace and accuracy are the aims of the sport and competitions can be highly competitive.

And while near enough any dog can enter these competitions, this isn't the only motivation as to why your dog should learn these skills. In fact, entering competitions shouldn't be the main reason why a dog takes up agility sports because these are activities that can be taught, practiced and enjoyed at home. Yes, at home! You and your dog can become agility superstars of your backyard - or even your neighbourhood!
Benefits of agility training:
There are so many benefits to agility training you'll be hard pressed to come up with a reason not to learn. Here are ten now:

1. A great way for dog and owner to bond. Agility courses cannot be done without both dog and owner working together.
2. Builds trust between dog and owner.
3. A way for your dog to use their natural hunting and chasing instincts.
4. Helps to get rid of excess energy.
5. A great form of exercise for your dog; it strengthens muscles, improves coordination and increases stamina and endurance.
6. Improves unruly behaviour.
7. Improves confidence.
8. Improves obedience.
9. Sharpens your dog's mind.
10. Improves communication skills.
And there are benefits for you too:
  • It also keeps you in shape, providing a great cardio workout.
  • Improves your flexibility.
  • Increases your perseverance.
Plus, agility is just plain fun!

Things to consider:
  • Before you start learning agility with your dog, have them checked over by your vet to make sure they are physically capable and are not secretly suffering from any conditions that could be further impacted from such physical activity. If your breed of dog is prone to hip dysplasia, elbow dysplasia and eye impairments, special attention should be given.
  • Wie ist die psychische Gesundheit Ihres Hundes? Agility-Training ist ein guter Weg, um Vertrauen aufzubauen, aber wenn Ihr Hund ist ziemlich schüchtern und nervös schon kann es nicht eine gute Idee, um sie in Agilität zu bekommen.
  • Dogs under eighteen months of age should be checked over to make sure they have finished growing before starting any agility training to avoid any chronic injuries.


anne wright - Comment
anne wright13.09.2017Reply
I really enjoy your pictures and articles. The articles are always very informative. Please keep them coming.

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