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Warum ist meine Katze kauen auf meinen Fingern?

 Von danielle am 25 Jul 2014 |
Ouch! One moment you are cuddling your soft purring kitty and the next moment their teeth are embedded in your finger. What is behind cats and finger nipping?
Rarely is your cat actually being aggressive when they dig their teeth into your finger. If we had thick fur and stretchy skin like a cat, a nip wouldn’t hurt all that much. Between littermates and mothers and kittens, biting and chewing is regular and acceptable behaviour. When your cat nips you on the fingers, it is probably simply expressing his or her affection for you as they would to another cat.
Whilst it's sweet and lovely that your cat is being so affectionate, the nipping probably needs to stop - especially if they are accidentally drawing blood!


Since their intentions are positive, it is best not to reject their well-meant gesture with shouting and scolding. Placing them on the ground and stopping your cuddle session can work quite well as your cat learns chewing leads to the end of their special time with you for a while. It may take some time but eventually the association will become firm.
Chewing behaviour in kittens can also be related to teething, your fingers simply being convenient ‘chew toys’ for your kitten to relieve their discomfort on. If you suspect this may be part of the problem try providing alternatives for them to gnaw on, such as special cat toys or chewy treats.

Persistence and clear rules set down fairly and firmly will eventually put an end to the problem, as your kitten or cat learns their love bites aren't desired and are best either stopped, or reserved for toys.  


Shirley Wardzinski - Comment
Shirley Wardzinski26 Jul 2014Reply
Meine Katze JB, kaut auf meinen Händen, wenn er will, dass ich etwas tue und er denkt, dass ich nicht die Botschaft bekomme! Zeit, mehr Nahrung auszulöschen. Zeit, um aus dem Bett und machen Kitty Frühstück!
Britt - Comment
Britt26 Jul 2014Reply
Naw, sie sind nur auf der Suche nach einem schönen Stück Fleisch, um ihre Zähne zu sinken, anstatt essen, dass Getreide gefüllte Tierfutter wir Kraft auf sie
JB - Comment
JB26 Jul 2014Reply
Ich bin nicht Shirleys Katze, aber mein Kätzchen Kai Lani ist ständig nach meinen Fingern. Zahnen / Spielsachen Ich glaube. Auf jeden Fall ist meine Lösung ein Paar Leder-Arbeitshandschuhe, die es Kai Lani und mir ermöglichen, die Verspieltheit zu genießen.
Susan - Comment
Susan26 Jul 2014Reply
Mein 17-jähriger Birman denkt immer noch, dass er auf meinen Knien kauen kann!
Stoppen Sie, Kurzschlüsse zu tragen!
Mariam  - Comment
Mariam 01.02.2019Reply
Meine zwei Kätzchen begannen zu lecken und kauen meinen Finger es ist nicht schädlich, aber ich frage immer, warum sie wie kauen meine Finger i
ToriBear - Comment
Meine Katze neigt dazu, meine Finger zu beißen, aber nicht zu hart. Er leckt sie und beißt sie und in der Regel schnurrt, wenn er das tut. Macht Sinn, dass hes nur einige Liebe. Er ist ein süßes Baby.
Alison Morgan  - Comment
Alison Morgan 06 Okt 2016Reply
My friend has 3 cats who get lots of love from me when I visit or pet sit them. All of them occasionally put their mouth over my finger. At first it was almost like nursing though they are all adults. But Precious, a very affectionate calico Persian has started chewing. The chewing has gotten harder and it hurts. I am the one who feeds them when I pet sit, and they sleep with me (almost ON me!) So I guess it's love bites?
Samantha Lynn Manning - Comment
Samantha Lynn Manning06 Okt 2016Reply
Die Katze hat den Geschmack getestet, bevor und jetzt hat es beschlossen, dass du lecker genug bist, um es zu versuchen.
Your Nan - Comment
Your Nan06 Okt 2016Reply
Don't listen to her...the cat is being affectionate...but if the bites get too hard for you to handle, then put the cat down until the hard biting stops.
Gerald Knowlton - Comment
Gerald Knowlton15. April 2017Reply
My cat was just being all cute and sweet and cuddling. When he was lightly lightly nibbling on my fingers when all the sudden he started biting down I had to flick his little nose nothing harder anything so don't be calling Peta on me haha. I looked at him and told him that it hurt. He did the cutest thing ever he licked my fingers and purred gave me kisses and then left....true story no lie it was super adorable
Sierra U - Comment
Sierra U10. Mai 2017Reply
I have an adult cat that is 6 months old and he will be giving me lots of love one moment then he will start to chew on my fingers. I really don't know what got him to start doing this. He hasn't drew blood but the chewing hurts and I am unsure why he does this. He has never done this in the 4 and a half months I have had him. I usually just have to walk away for him to get the message that it isn't acceptable!
Jami - Comment
My 14 mo male neutered cat acts like a baby. He still meows at me like a kitten and he chews and licks on everything I own. He chews my fingers, my cell phone, purse, my computer, etc. He was adopted. Was he just weaned too early?
Judi  - Comment
Judi 23. August 2017Reply
My 10 year old cat stiii will nibble on my hand or arm. It's no more than nibbling, if that. She seems to do it most often when we go to bed. I think she means it as affection. Her daughter-cat has never done this. Surprising!
Linda - Comment
Linda23 Nov 2017Reply
Ich habe gerade ein Kätzchen adoptiert, von dem es heißt, dass es ungefähr ein Jahr alt ist. Ich frage mich, ob er jünger ist, weil er ständig meine Finger kaut (wenn ich sanft sage "keine Zähne" hört er auf, aber es ist ein hartnäckiges Verhalten. Dieses Afteroon war mein 5 Jahre altes Essen und Totem, das neue Kätzchen, bisschen ihre Hinterseite, er jagt sie unbarmherzig mehr wie eine kleine Katze, obwohl er 10 Pfund und der Fünfjährige 7 Pfund ist.
Chris  - Comment
Chris 09. Januar 2018Reply
Ich glaube, es ist vor allem gut für meine Katze Zahnen, denn er liegt zwischen meinen Beinen im Bett und wird seine Pfoten nehmen und meinen Finger zu seinem Mund bringen geht durch jeden Einzelnen aber der Daumen ist sein gehen auch lol schön und dick und geht nur in die Stadt, er ist weniger als ein Jahr alt, also hat er immer noch etwas zu tun, ich würde annehmen, dass es schließlich meine erste Katze ist
Sharky - Comment
Sharky29. Januar 2018Reply
Eine meiner Katzen (weiblich, 4 Jahre alt, seit ich 6 Monate alt war) mag es, sanft an meinem Handgelenk zu nagen. Ich weiß, ich sollte das entmutigen, aber sie schnurrt, während sie es tut, also ist es irgendwie süß. Sie ist eine sehr liebevolle Katze.
Eiron - Comment
Eiron13. Mai 2018Reply
Meine Katze ist fast ein Jahr alt. Sie riecht weiter an meinen Händen und sie wird mich lecken und dann Blut saugen. Oder sie wartet bis ich schlafe und ich wache auf, um Blut zu ziehen
Ladyace - Comment
Ladyace05 Jul 2018Reply
My cat will be 2 in October an still chews on my fingers it does not hurt so is she still teething
MKING - Comment
MKING10. August 2018Reply
Our little cat is now almost 7 years old: She pads for 20 minutes at a time on us and then settles. Occasionally she will take the end of one of my fingers in one or both paws and lick the end of my finger and then clean under my finger nails! She never bites except to clean under the nails. It's just affection like chewing my hair.
Sambone - Comment
Sambone31. August 2018Reply
Meine erwachsene Katze kaut an meinen Fingern, besonders am Morgen und am Abend, wenn ich zu spät bin, um ihn zu füttern. Ich weiß, dass er mir sagt, dass ich jetzt mein Essen haben will. Er hat Trockenfutter, aber das ist, wenn er seine Konserven möchte.
Elle - Comment
Elle19. Dezember 2018Reply
My Luna does this to me all the time. Instead of completely curbing her behavior by stopping immediately and putting her down, as I feel that rejecting the affection entirely would be rude, I simply tell her "Ow, that hurts", pull my hand away, shake my finger at her then give it back. She has come to realize that my skin isn't as resilient to her teeth and she still does it but at a pleasant level and rarely bites too hard anymore.
Luke - Comment
Luke12. Mai 2021Reply
My cat, an eleven year old tom, went through a lot in his early life, but now he is settled and content at our home. If he ever sees me sitting down he will most likely jump up into my lap, which is nice, but after a while he will want to gnaw on my fingers and then bite down and most likely draw blood. This was very helpful. Also, most cats will react to scratching above their tail (like being tickled). My cat is most of the time very reactive to this even if I rub around it. And a lot of the time will try to gnaw my fingers after doing this.

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